
Description: The Zercks are a group of fiercely independent people tainted by dark magic yet determined to preserve the autonomy of their mind, soul, and body, preferring death rather than servitude/corruption. They refuse to be reduced to mere servants of Darkness, They were united by Annarina Frostfeather the first Dark Lady of the Zerck Order and Writer of the Most important document to the Zercks the Zerck Codex.

The Zerck don't believe in things such as hope and reject faith in divine entities such as Igniara(Goddess of the Ignius), This is because most Zercks are not born as a Zerck but become one, under the Zerck Codex and common believe a Zerck is:
- Those who were corrupted by Dark Magic but decide to hold onto their autonomy over mind, soul and Body
- Those who were born with Dark Magic Corruption, such as a child whose parent were corrupted
- Races that are Corrupted by Dark Magic but once again decide to hold onto their autonomy

They are united as most people who are corrupted by dark magic are outcast by their family and old surroundings, making other zercks who accept them and help them not lose their free will like a new family, Witch makes most Zercks see each other as Family.
Though the Zercks do not believe in divine beings, they hold Zernia in high regard—an ancient figure who, once corrupted by dark magic, led a group of similarly affected individuals seeking to preserve their free will. Despite their efforts, Zernia’s followers eventually succumbed to complete corruption in a catastrophic event. Before this tragic end, Zernia left behind a book titled 'A Warning to Those Who Seek to Keep Their Free Will'. This book is considered a Zerckish Artifact and warns of the Great Dark Cataclysm—an event where the background of dark magic grows so powerful that even those who retain their free will will be fully corrupted.
This Caused the Zercks to structure their society as a technocracy of sorts, Where their leader the Dark Lord/Lady now the Dark Emperor/Empress are the strongest among the empire meant to lead them and be powerful of enough to eventually slay an Aoen of Darkness in order to avert the Great Dark Cataclysm. They are chosen by the codex council, the council that makes the supreme decisions when it comes to the codex. In order to ascend to the throne the contestant has to absolve 4 trails, The trail of Knowledge, The Trail of Leadership, The Trail of Resilience, and the Trail of Strength, for the Trail of strength the contests faces of against a simulation of the previous Dark Emperor/Empress and has to at the very least reach 70% of their power if they pass all these they become Dark Emperor/Empress the 2nd most Powerful will become Vice Emperor/Empress which then is trained by the Dark Emperor/Empress to eventually be able to take up the mantel. Any Zerck at any time can approach the codex council and dispute either the vice Emperor/Empress or the Dark Emperor/Empress themselves, The codex council will then let the person do said trails if they pass they get to challenge the sitting vice Emperor/Empress or the Dark Emperor/Empress if they are Victories they will ascend and take the title ensuring that the Zerck Empire is always led by the most competent person.
