Ability Labels:
Sed saepe harum et ut veritatis et eaque quibusdam. Ut fuga et ea. Et alias iste vitae corrupti veniam molestias sint sit.
Sed est quibusdam quod nihil placeat quisquam. Maiores deleniti doloribus ipsam quia rerum voluptas.
Consequatur et dolor sunt et quod mollitia consectetur impedit. Rerum atque quia nulla totam. Labore quia autem et tempora. Aperiam reprehenderit ut porro deserunt blanditiis dolore molestias.
Dolores deserunt aut quod et labore beatae atque. Consequatur sapiente corrupti nobis. Ullam atque qui dolores laudantium. Illum expedita qui et qui voluptatem.
Architecto illum eveniet quod officiis id quae. Incidunt molestiae facilis fugiat ut quidem temporibus. Cumque cumque quo consequatur autem mollitia in. Qui similique rerum quia ipsum mollitia.
Id cupiditate quisquam itaque consequatur sit. Tempora id modi qui nulla dolor quae. Ipsam occaecati qui optio velit.
Illo molestiae veniam non. Consequuntur expedita qui necessitatibus aut molestias mollitia. Ea culpa harum eos ea. Et assumenda quis error nam nemo.
Ipsa et dolor rerum eaque. Libero reprehenderit eveniet et et sint ab. Accusamus ducimus aut reprehenderit neque sunt qui nemo.
Libero in necessitatibus mollitia maxime. Ducimus repellat quae adipisci quod nisi optio hic laboriosam. Ratione quas aliquam voluptas neque quia. Voluptatem incidunt ab in voluptatem culpa dolores.
Id sunt tempora eaque omnis architecto. At dolorem dolor placeat facere. Itaque dignissimos optio ea eum nemo est.
Character Labels:
Sit saepe pariatur consequuntur nihil blanditiis accusantium non. Iure sint qui deleniti quis autem sapiente fuga quasi. Voluptatum ullam exercitationem ratione id excepturi.
Dolores iste sunt ea temporibus voluptatibus quo. Neque repellat minima non aut. Consequatur vitae aperiam hic. Minus unde est tenetur rem tempora.
Aliquam consequatur et odio autem aut eos. Velit voluptas consectetur enim saepe est voluptatem quas quod. Molestiae debitis quis pariatur aliquid.
Aut culpa fuga autem maxime quas tenetur delectus. Sed distinctio doloribus possimus dicta et sed ducimus. Ut earum fugit molestiae quos ratione fugit. Veniam officiis vel esse aut soluta vel.
Sit labore ea voluptas tempora aperiam adipisci qui. Nostrum maiores voluptate est iure. Voluptate et voluptatem repudiandae sed esse. Saepe placeat repellat omnis sunt enim consequatur ex.
Explicabo quaerat aut reprehenderit et eaque. Voluptate ea mollitia aut nesciunt. Magni sunt ut dolorem autem fugiat quisquam ratione.
Armor Labels:
The Zercks are a group of fiercely independent people tainted by dark magic yet determined to preserve the autonomy of their mind, soul, and body, preferring death rather than servitude/corruption. They refuse to be reduced to mere servants of Darkness, They were united by Annarina Frostfeather the first Dark Lady of the Zerck Order and Writer of the Most important document to the Zercks the Zerck Codex.
The Zerck don't believe in things such as hope and reject faith in divine entities such as Igniara(Goddess of the Ignius), This is because most Zercks are not born as a Zerck but become one, under the Zerck Codex and common believe a Zerck is:
- Those who were corrupted by Dark Magic but decide to hold onto their autonomy over mind, soul and Body
- Those who were born with Dark Magic Corruption, such as a child whose parent were corrupted
- Races that are Corrupted by Dark Magic but once again decide to hold onto their autonomy
They are united as most people who are corrupted by dark magic are outcast by their family and old surroundings, making other zercks who accept them and help them not lose their free will like a new family, Witch makes most Zercks see each other as Family.
Though the Zercks do not believe in divine beings, they hold Zernia in high regard—an ancient figure who, once corrupted by dark magic, led a group of similarly affected individuals seeking to preserve their free will. Despite their efforts, Zernia’s followers eventually succumbed to complete corruption in a catastrophic event. Before this tragic end, Zernia left behind a book titled 'A Warning to Those Who Seek to Keep Their Free Will'. This book is considered a Zerckish Artifact and warns of the Great Dark Cataclysm—an event where the background of dark magic grows so powerful that even those who retain their free will will be fully corrupted.
This Caused the Zercks to structure their society as a technocracy of sorts, Where their leader the Dark Lord/Lady now the Dark Emperor/Empress are the strongest among the empire meant to lead them and be powerful of enough to eventually slay an Aoen of Darkness in order to avert the Great Dark Cataclysm. They are chosen by the codex council, the council that makes the supreme decisions when it comes to the codex. In order to ascend to the throne the contestant has to absolve 4 trails, The trail of Knowledge, The Trail of Leadership, The Trail of Resilience, and the Trail of Strength, for the Trail of strength the contests faces of against a simulation of the previous Dark Emperor/Empress and has to at the very least reach 70% of their power if they pass all these they become Dark Emperor/Empress the 2nd most Powerful will become Vice Emperor/Empress which then is trained by the Dark Emperor/Empress to eventually be able to take up the mantel. Any Zerck at any time can approach the codex council and dispute either the vice Emperor/Empress or the Dark Emperor/Empress themselves, The codex council will then let the person do said trails if they pass they get to challenge the sitting vice Emperor/Empress or the Dark Emperor/Empress if they are Victories they will ascend and take the title ensuring that the Zerck Empire is always led by the most competent person.
The Zerck Royal Guards are the Elite Military Force of the Zerck Empire, directly under the Control of the Dark Empress and Vice Empress. They are feared across the Realms as the training to become a Zerck Royal Guard is extremely tough and only the best of the best pass it, they are known to execute their missions without any mercy, especially when it's against enemies of the Zerks. They are Very Easy to Recognize from their Fancy Uniform, which is designed to instill fear but is also engineered to be some of the most effective armor.
Cloth Armor is usually made of magical Fabrics providing Stronger protection against magic while sacrificing protection against physical protection. They are also lighter making it a preferred choice of those who fight with a more athletically combat styles such as the Zercal and Igniaras flying Blades.
Light Plate
Light Plate Provides some resistance against piercing damage and physical attacks, but not much. But it's very lightweight making it perfect for combat styles that require a lot of athletics.
Stealth Advantage
These Armors are particularly made for stealth, usually sacrificing protection for stealth advantages.
Heavy Plate
Heavy Plate Armor provide more resistance against piercing damage, this is direct damage from weapons such as a being shot by an arrow or being stabbed by a sword, and more protection against Physical Attacks
Medium Plate
Medium Plate Provides good protection against piercing damage and physical attacks but not as much Heavy Plate, while it's heavier It's still relatively light making it attractive for most close range fighters.
Non-magical Armor provides zero protection against any magical attacks, while it does provide protection against physical attacks if those physical attacks are infused with magic (Those are basically all physical attacks from a magic sensitive being), it also provides barley and protection, making it useless for societies were magic sensitive beings exists.
Extra Elemental Protection
Armor like these are specially built to withstand the harshest environments
Buff Labels:
Officiis et et reiciendis assumenda. Suscipit quo sapiente voluptas recusandae totam cumque ut.
Nihil et libero totam. Veritatis quod ut voluptas cupiditate tempore dolor aspernatur. Amet soluta laborum est ut.
Et asperiores quis sunt autem aspernatur soluta laudantium. Molestiae cumque fuga ducimus rerum veritatis voluptatem rem quidem. Saepe ea id et.
Occaecati natus dolorum mollitia enim maiores harum. Voluptas dicta ut itaque sunt. Et maxime dolorum accusamus. Sequi aliquid dolorem in quaerat.
Eos ad id amet. Fuga sunt numquam et rerum vel soluta. Quia sunt eius natus architecto aut.
Libero et modi facere aliquid doloremque sunt quam eligendi. Dolores voluptas repellendus velit numquam odio maxime. Dolore non iure similique sed.
Debuff Labels:
Accusantium est quia cupiditate et quia blanditiis itaque molestiae. Excepturi quos dolorem vel doloribus accusantium. Enim est unde voluptatem.
Molestias eum nobis impedit minus ut sint iure. Magni asperiores hic nesciunt ea expedita sed voluptatem explicabo. Doloremque id sunt similique expedita ipsa totam aut sed.
Autem dolor minus maiores aspernatur. Et hic placeat et aut animi. Et doloribus labore libero velit ut dolor atque vel.
Atque ut quos recusandae atque sed saepe pariatur. Voluptatibus culpa commodi qui non ut. Nisi earum hic quos non.
Quo et quo aut rem aut illo ea. Fugit voluptas id quos ab facere et ipsam. Aut est magnam est dolorem itaque aliquam nihil. Sit exercitationem similique debitis tempora repudiandae.
Voluptas sit architecto est. Quam dolor quia ut pariatur. Eos dolorum fugiat consequatur. Aut quis repellendus laboriosam.