Lisa Athrum Kos'deran
The 6th Dark Lady of the Zercks, Now known as the Third Dark Empress of the Zerck Empire. Having been Lady of the Dark Council ever since the birth of the Zerck Order, she had the Opportunity to learn and train with all the Dark Lords and Ladies before her, not to mention Her training with her mother under the Athrum Kingdom. When she ascended the Throne, Her Strength was incomparable already having mastered all combat styles throughout the years, extensive knowledge of Magic. But even after that, she continued to become stronger, During her time she was the undisputed most powerful mortal to have ever lived. During the third war of destruction, she was the first mortal to be able to cast memoria magic. At the very high of her power she was even able to slay the Aeon Nemesis, however at a great cost…
150000 Max HP/Magic Resistance
150000 Max Mana
25000 Magical Attack
30000 Physical Attack
2000 Physical Defense
2150 Magical Defense
Magic Proficiency:
- Main Combat Style: Insanity Incarnation Mastery Level: Sole Master
- Secondary Combat Styles: Athrum Holari Mastery Level: Sole Master
- Secondary Combat Styles: Kerakulian Mastery Level: Sole Master
- Secondary Combat Styles: Sadistic Vengeance Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: Adaptive Zercal Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: The Zercal Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: The Zercal Ranged Variation Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: The Zalian Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: The Zoranian Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: Deaths Strike Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: Deaths Mark Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: The Igniaran Defense Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: The Igniaran Strike of Justice Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: Magmacoran Fire Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: Athrum Warden Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: The Igniaran Ranged Variation Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: Igniaran Light Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: Dragonian Ancient Mastery Level: Mastered
- Secondary Combat Styles: YAdF Standard Combat Protocol version A2.3 Mastery Level: Legendary
- Secondary Combat Styles: Igniaras flying Blades Mastery Level: Legendary
- Secondary Combat Styles: Algonien Rejoice Mastery Level: Legendary
- Secondary Combat Styles: Kosmondian Mastery Level: Regular