ZRG Armor gen.1 Type S

150 Physical Defense

200 Magical Defense

The First Prototype(Generation 1) of the Zerck Royal Guard Armor, Standard Issue Type.
Created by Legendary Zerck Scholar Gekshera Berzeric and woven by Legendary Weaver Sagnah Berzeric.
While the gen.1 is more of a proof of concept, it was revolutionary which warranted the sitting Dark Empress Serina Kos’deran to approve a Royal Decree to start work on The ZRG Armor gen.2.
What made this Proof of concept revolutionary is that despite being made from cloth it offered lots of protection which was achieved by reanimating scales from powerful beasts such as dragons, and synthesizing this with Dark Steel and weaving it into a fabric.
This leveled the playing field when it came to armor when compared to Ignius armor as the Ignius has access to holy metals which offer much greater protection compared to Dark Steel witch the Zerck had access to.
Due to the fabric being partially made out of reanimated living tissue it has similar properties to that of an undead being specifically being able to self regenerate smaller damages such as cuts.
