ZRG Armor gen.3 Type S version:M
350 Physical Defense
500 Magical Defense
The third Generation of the Zerck Royal Guard Armor, Standard Issues Type.
After Lisa Ahtrum ascended the throne it was clear that she would strengthen the Zerck Royal Guards, she did this by using the Royal Guard to win the Terasian war only with the use of the Zerck Royal Guard. This gave the Dark Empress enough leverage to have the Zerck Royal Guard be added to the codex and made an official part of the Zerck Empire's Military, as before it was just a branch of the throne. This gave the ZRG more funding with said funding the Zercks started development on the gen.3 of the ZRG Armor code named: Project Darkstream, and an official command and HQ was created under the control of the Dark Empress.
Most of the armor was improved, the Berzerican Fabric was advanced, the Gornack Beast hide with the Ravtena + light plate was improved to now hold a medium plate armor making the armor slightly more heavy but with the other main advances this was basically nullified.
The main Breakthrough of this generation was the incorporation of Cosmorite/Vecomite a highly magical/energy dense crystal that in the cosmic days was strong enough to power spaceships, However after the migration to Dragonia after the shattering of the Cosmos, The Technology was lost and Dragonia did not have any natural occurring Cosmorite/Vecomite, however after the 3rd Great Magical War the Zercks once again gained access to the Cosmos and the ZRG started Project Sunken Ship, The primary objective was regain the lost technology, this failed already half a year into the operation as it was discovered that any large stocks of Cosmorite were corrupted or destroyed by shattered magic making them unusable however small chunks remained which were taken back to Dragonia.
There the project took onboard a former Vecom Engineer, Xarchar Lonraw, who joined the Zerck order after the Battle of Altrous after the Zerckish Souther Campaign in the first Great Galactic war in the cosmic realm.Altrous was a slave to the Vecomic empire led by Sacri’asis Athrum and build weapons using Cosmorite a rare material that is extremely energy dense, The Zercks Recognized his talent and due to the fact he during his time as a salve became corrupted they took him in. With his expertise and the relative success of Project Sunken Ship.
With his expertise of Cosmorite/Vecomite, impressive systems were developed and added to the armor these include.
- The ZRG_Cd(The Zerck Royal Guard Communication device also known as intercom): A communication device set up for long range communication, even cross realm communication.
- The ZRG-CDU(The Zerck Royal Guard Combat data uploader):A device that sends all combat data to the ZRG Command.
- The ZRG_Md_Id(The Zerck Royal Guard Map device and intercom dialing):The Map device that is like a physial map but automatically updates as the device scans the sourcing of the wearer the intercom dialing is responsible for dialing in the communication device
- The ZRG_Lt(The Zerck Royal Guard Location transmitter): A device that transmit the location to Command
- The ZRG_Et(The Zerck Royal Guard Emergency Transmitter): This device monitors the vitals of the wearer, if they become critical they send an emergency transmission to command with last data available from the ZRG_CDU and the ZRG_Lt, This device also doesn’t require active magic from the wearer to function unlike the other parts.
- AeMS (Advanced+enhanced Movement Support): A device inside the boot that will enhance movement Speed and Agility, removing the movement and agility penalty from the medium plate making the armor act like a light armor
- EbS (Elastic band support): A special band at the back of the boot that dampens falls, making the wearer more resistance to bone fractures from falls
- SahBt(Stability and hidden blade Trigger):While the hidden blade trigger in the boot was a thing for many years and nothing new, the new thing about this is the Stability enhancer which provide extra stability on slippery and unstable surfaces
Most of these devices serve the purpose of the ZRG now having a command structure, making it vital for command/the officers to be able to communicate with ZRG units and give live updates such as possible dangerous ahead or updated mission objectives from command. The Devices located in the boot are there primarily to support the use of a Medium Plate now negating the effects of the heavier weight making the armor fell more heavy but with no movement or agility penalties.
Overall the 2nd gen was the longest used while it primarily focused on integrating Cosmorite/Vecomite Technology into the armor while advancement in the synthesis of Berzerican Fabric, and the incorporation of a medium plate giving all more defense as well.
Also, new this generation has a version which replaces the Type H and instead makes it a version of the type S, there are other Versions for officers, Commanders, the Shadowsguard, but these are purely cosmetic unlike the Version M (Medium) and Version H (Heavy)
This generation of the armor cost much more than its previous generation counterpart, it's one of the most expensive things in the Zerck Military Arsenal with 1 costing in production around 2 million gold (For comparison a Warship cost around 5 million gold in production), Due to the Nature of the Zerck Empire those cost are not much of a concern to the Zerck Empires Government especially since the Zerck Royal Guard are elite forces meaning not a lot of them exist. But if one wants to be buy one on the black market, they can go easily above 5 million gold.