


ZRG Armor gen.2 Type S

250 Physical Defense Value

420 Magical Defense Value

The first real Generation of the Zerck Royal Guard Armor, Standard Issues Type.
After the success of generation 1, Sitting Dark Empress Serina Kos’deran issued a Royal Decree giving funding to the Project to develop the second generation known as Project Metal Sheep lead by Legendary Zerck Scholar Gekshera Berzeric and Legendary Weaver Sagnah Berzeric,who created the proof of concept.
The second generation offers loads of improvement, including the multi layered nature of the armor, the undergarments are made from the elastic fabric Sagnyster, the second layer is another revolutionary advancement it's a leather made from the Gornack Beast that lives in the northern taigas of Eurksa and the southern Savannas of Terasia. The Zercks used this beast's unique hide due to its ability to provide good protection from both heat and cold. While this was known for many years, only the Ignius had access to these regions but deemed the hide unusable as it doesn’t offer enough protection for the wearer, but when the Ravens joined the Zerck Empire the Zercks gained access to the material and due to the Zercks unique physiology of being slightly more dead compared to a non Zerck makes them slightly more resistant to the elements, together with the hide it actually offers great protection from the elements. The upper layer is a cloth named Ravtena witch grows by the river roltav. It has the unique property of being very elastic but rather strong, The Zercks combined this with a with lightweight plate armor encased in a protective cloth, this design offers enhanced resistance against piercing attacks such as arrows or bullets. While it doesn't match the full defensive capabilities of full plate armor, it still delivers a significant level of protection. The outermost layer of the armor is a uniform fashioned from reanimated scales of powerful beasts, such as dragons. These scales are synthesized with Dark Steel and intricately woven into a fabric which was given the name Berzerican Fabric in honor of the creators, this was also already used in the prototype gen.1.
Together the armor now offers protection from cold and hot environments, stronger protection from Physical attacks, while not sacrificing the lightweight nature of the armor offering great mobility. Due to the advancement, the costs shut up, but the improvement compared to gen.0 were so great that it was used from the pre Great Magical War 2 era all the way to the end of the Terasian War, which was when gen.2 was devolved.


ZRG Armor gen.2 Type A

50 Physical Defense Value

150 Magical Defense Value

The first variation of the Standard Type of the Zerck Royal Guard Armor, Type A stands for Assassin. This type of the Zerck Royal Guard Armor was specifically designed to suit the unique needs of rogues/assassins/spies.
Some additions made for example was the addition of a hood and face covering this choice was made because, the 2nd layer was modified the Gornack Beast hide was still used but instead of the upper layer being the Ravtena + Light plate a special magically infused fabric known as hidanta was used. This choice was made due hidanta’s special properties, this is because when rogues/assassins/spies want to use their invisibility they have 2 spells they constantly have to use, one being Into the Shadows and the other Magical concealment, Into the shadows makes them invisible, but their magical aura can still be felt by others this is where magical concealment comes into play it hides the users magical aura. These 2 spells however are very costly and even the most experienced can only keep it up for at max 15 min. Now Hidanta absorbed magic, meaning the need to use Magical concealment is no longer existent since the Fabric already absorbs the magic all the wearer has to do is use into the shadows, they still have to use Magical Concealment but in a way less potent form since Hidanta already absorbs 90% of the magical aura this intern sinks mana costs by 90% for the wearer, resulting in a max of an hour - 2 hours of being invisible.
Of course with the Ravtena + Light plate removed the armor is way less protective than its type. S counterpart, they also had to make the outer layer less dense to make the armor even lighter since rogues/assassins/spies all exclusively fight with combat styles that are very acrobatic and athletic, and they also tend to be behind the lines making a quick way to escape a top priority in case of danger.


ZRG Armor gen.2 Type H

500 Physical Defense Value

420 Magical Defense Value

The second variation of the Standard Type of the Zerck Royal Guard Armor, Type H stands for Heavy. This type of the Zerck Royal Guard Armor was made with a full metal plate, It's pretty much the exact same as Type S but a heavy plate armor version providing loads of Protection epically against physical damage and specifically designed for those who do fight with combat styles that are focused towards needing a lot of defense, Now using these combat styles is rather rare in the Zerck Empire but the Sitting Dark Empress Lisa Ahtrum believed that its important that no Royal Guard is limited in their abilities by the armor.
Since the only modification is a heavy plate armor made from Dark steel as a layer between the 2nd and outermost layer, it didn't need an extensive redesign like the Type. A version
This armor such as most heavy armors made from plates has increased piercing resistance and more defense against Physical attacks. In return, sacrificing mobility and speed.
